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Upgrading My Plan

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BlueWho aims to provide the best possible environment for multi-domain accounts while keeping a low cost. To do this, we do not sell space and bandwidth separately. If you need to upgrade your plan, you will have to go to the next plan. After Plan 5, you can purchase blocks of 1GB Space / 15GB Bandwidth for only $10 per month.

I\'m on Paypal - How do I upgrade?
    To upgrade your account using Paypal for payments, please sign up for the next plan at In the comments box, type: "Existing Customer - Username: <Your USERNAME>". Then, once we acknowledge your upgrade, cancel your existing paypal subscription. If you\'re upgrading above Plan 5, please e-mail [email protected] for a custom link.

I paid by Credit Card - How do I upgrade?
    To upgrade your account using our Credit Card processor, please e-mail [email protected] to make arrangements.

I paid using offline Payment - How do I upgrade?
    To upgrade your account using Offline Payments, please e-mail [email protected] to make arrangements.


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